Dr. Helena Rodriguez-Trias and Dr. David Dalton

Dr. Helena Rodriguez-Trias 
Dr. Helena Rodriguez-Trias was born in New York to Puerto Rican Parents in 1929. She is known for her work of improving the public health of women, children, and people in underfunded areas. She was the first Latina president of the American Public Health Association, she was elected and appointed in 1993. Dr. Rodriguez-Trias contributions to the medical field are many, but while researching her, the thing that keeps popping up is "first." The first woman, the first Hispanic person, the first Hispanic woman.  As I stated before, she is the first Latina president of the American Public Health Association. Dr. Rodriguez-Trias was motivated by the individual, she wanted to help people live better lives. She was quoted as saying "I understood that medicine would give me a more direct and independent ways to contribute to society, not through organizations or abstract studies, but acting directly on the individual." Her entire work was dedicated to people who were unrepresented in society. Her work was mainly dedicated to supporting poor women, women of color, and women with disabilities. In fact, from 1938 to 1968, A third of childbearing age women in Puerto Rico, were sterilized without being fully informed of the operations consequences. In 1979, she testified to the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for the passage of federal sterilization guidelines which are now in place, meaning that a woman must be given all information of the operation in a language she understands, and there must be a time period between giving consent for the operation and the operation itself. The number one thing we can do to combat bigotry and bias it to educate our youth. Hate is taught, not something you are born with. We need to educate our youth about the hate itself and how it has caused great suffering since the earliest human civilizations. 

Dr. David Dalton
Dr. David Dalton is an Air Force Veteran who was born in West Virgina, but has spent most his life in Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. Dr. Dalton is part of the Beta Pi Boule Chapter of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity. This group has featured members such as Barack Obama and W.E.B. Dubois. This group is dedicated to "elevating black communities by striving to eliminate barriers to civic, social, political, educational, and economic well-being." Dr. Dalton also has the honor of being the first black man to accomplish many things in the pharmaceutical field. In 1971 he started his military service, in 1974 he became a Doctor of Pharmacy, becoming the first black pharmaceutical executive. Dr. Dalton is the CEO of UNICEV INC. he is one of the founding members of the National Counsil of Prescription Drugs Program. Dr. Dalton also founded the National Minority Health Association; Dr. Dalton was honored by receiving the U.S. Senatorial Medal of Freedom. Dr. Dalton was the first black man to accomplish numerous things in the pharmaceutical field as well as found over forty businesses in the field. Under representation did not affect Dr. Dalton, he took it into his own hands to be the representation that young black people could look too. As I stated earlier, education is the key to erasing bigotry. Bigotry and hatred are taught, they are not things we as humans are born with. We need to teach the younger generations the history of the world, they need to know how we got to where we are today. The youth need to be educated about the truths of how society is set up and why its set up the way it is. Proper education and care will stop a child from going down that dark path of hate. I emphasize the word proper, proper education and care of a child is necessary to ensure their well-off. 

Dr. Dalton also lives in Pennsylvania, shoutout.
